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Momentum for Collective Bargaining! Congratulations to Charlottesville City Public School Workers!

On Wednesday February 1st the Charlottesville City School Board released a statement announcing support for a collective bargaining resolution after working together to draft a resolution with the Charlottesville Education Association.

Congratulations to the Charlottesville Education Association, the workers of Charlottesville City Schools, the Charlottesville City School Board and Central Office and all of the other individuals and supporters who made collective bargaining a reality for the workers of Charlottesville City Public Schools.

Here is the presentation made to the Charlottesville City School Board by Superintendent Dr. Royal Gurley explaining the process the Charlottesville City School Division and the Charlottesville Education Association went through to make this a reality.

Collective bargaining is a reality in the city of Charlottesville . This can be a reality in other localities as well.

On Thursday February 9th, the Albemarle Education Association will be submitting another resolution for collective bargaining to the Albemarle County School Board. The Albemarle County School Board needs to hear from the community that bargaining IS POSSIBLE in our locality. ACPS workers have acted to gain bargaining rights. The state legislature has acted to make bargaining legal. Now, action for bargaining needs to come from the ACPS school board.

Support Albemarle County Public School workers!

Sign the open letter to the ACPS school board to add your support for collective bargaining.

or Email the school board and let them know to take action to make collective bargaining happen in Albemarle County.

Come to the February 9th School Board Meeting! Your presence matters! WEAR RED if you can!

The meeting will happen at 6:30 at 401 McIntire Road. Come and show support for public school workers! If you would like to speak during public comment at the meeting you can sign up at the following link starting on Monday February 6th.

Share this news with others. Encourage them to show support. Your support and advocacy makes a real impact.

Vernon Liechti

Albemarle Education Association President


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1 Morton Dr Charlottesville VA United States 22901


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